Elmcrest Children’s Center is Ready for Taste of Syracuse

May 29, 2019

Categories: Company & Community News

Our guest blogger is Andrea Autry, Director of Marketing Communications & Development for Elmcrest Children’s Center. We asked Andrea to tell us what she thinks about Elmcrest being one of 2019’s Taste of Syracuse beneficiaries. Here’s what she wrote!

When Elmcrest first learned that we were chosen as the beneficiary for the 2019 Taste of Syracuse, we were ecstatic! Each year, we hear of the hundreds of thousands of people that go out to listen to the music, enjoy the yummy food and have fun with their family and friends. In fact, many of our staff and residents experience the event firsthand. So, when we were approached and told that we were one of two youth-focused non-profits that would benefit from the event, we were humbled, honored and very excited.

Being involved in Taste of Syracuse will give Elmcrest the opportunity to not only speak with individuals about the many programs and services that we provide for the Central New York Community, but will also allow our employees to give back by volunteering their time. With Elmcrest representation at two locations within the event, we will have plenty of time to interact with the community that we have spent many, many years operating in.

For close to 175 years, Elmcrest has been working with children within the community who have been faced with trauma, and each year we work with over 2,500 children and families. With a strong focus on Early Intervention, Education, Employability and Family Services, Elmcrest works diligently to provide the necessary services for children to be returned to their homes and communities with the ability to obtain and retain employment as well as progress educationally. We hope that as the recipient, proceeds from this event will help to fund one of our new initiatives, the Northside Education Center, that will be opening in the Fall of 2019.

Once again, Elmcrest is so excited to be a part of this AWESOME event. We look forward to sampling the food, socializing with patrons and singing along to Sugar Ray! We also thank Taste of Syracuse and its partners, The Summit Federal Credit Union and Tops Friendly Markets, for choosing Elmcrest as a 2019 recipient and for allowing us the opportunity to tell our story!

We hope you come spin the charity wheel!