Your Funds Arrive Like Clockwork – Saving You Valuable Time

Arrange for convenient Direct Deposit and your payroll, Social Security, and other government checks are automatically deposited into your Summit Savings or Checking account.

Why Choose Direct Deposit?

  • EarlyPay. Get access to your eligible direct deposits up to a day early. There’s no enrollment required and no fee – EarlyPay is included with all Direct Deposits that go into your checking account.
  • Get your money sooner. No more waiting for checks to arrive by mail or to clear. Funds are available the morning of the deposit – or sooner now with EarlyPay!
  • Get paid even when you’re out sick or out of town. Write checks with confidence, knowing funds will be there to cover them.
  • Eliminate the risk of a lost or stolen paycheck. Millions of paychecks are lost or stolen each year. Yours will not be one of them. 
  • Permanently check one box on your To-Do list. No time to visit a branch or ATM? No problem. We’re always happy to see you but we know you’ll be happy to have one less errand to run.
  • Enjoy the convenience of split deposits. Have funds automatically divided into multiple accounts. If one of them is for savings, watch your balance grow!
  • No Account Maintenance Fee. Arrange for Direct Deposit and say goodbye to checking account maintenance fees.1

Sign Up for Direct Deposit with Your Employer Today!

Getting started with Direct Deposit is easy:

  • You can fill out this Direct Deposit Form provided by the Summit. All requirements are detailed on the form.
  • Or you can ask your employer’s Human Resources or Payroll Department for a Direct Deposit Authorization Form. All you need to complete this form from your employer’s HR is your checking or savings account number and The Summit’s Routing and Transit Number (222382315).
  • Return their form to your Human Resources or Payroll representative. That’s it!

Questions? We’re here to help. Call (585) 453-7000 or (800) 836-7328.

  1. Your Account Maintenance Fee will be waived when you have Checking with Direct Deposit. See Member Benefits Program for more details.