Mortgages and Mortgage Rates

 mortgage rates

Applying for a mortgage online is as easy as 1-2-3.

Apply Now

Check today’s mortgage rates and get your own quick estimate. Then apply online in as little as 20 minutes. No matter where you are in your homebuying journey, we’re here to guide you through the process.

Calculate Your Payment

The information provided by these calculators is intended for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to purport actual user-defined parameters. The default figures shown are hypothetical and may not be applicable to your individual situation. Be sure to consult a financial professional prior to relying on the results.

Mortgage Options

no closing costs

No Closing Costs Option

For a slight difference in the mortgage interest rate, we will pay the typical closing costs associated with the new mortgage including the appraisal, credit report fee, attorney fee, title insurance, mortgage tax and recording fees.1

calculating the down payment

3% Down Payment Mortgage Option

This is a great option for homebuyers who are interested in making a lower payment. Speak to a Mortgage Originator for details.

fixed rate mortgages

Fixed Rate Mortgages

We offer 10, 15, 20, and 30 year terms for both primary and secondary residences.

2 for 1 mortgage & home equity

“2 for 1” Mortgage & Home Equity Combo

By opening both a Summit mortgage and a Summit home equity loan, buyers receive a special preferred home equity rate with no closing costs.2

80/10/10 and 80/15/5 mortgages

80/10/10 or 80/15/5 Mortgages

With an 80/10/10 or 80/15/5, buyers get a standard mortgage for 80% of the purchase price, put 5% or 10% down, and borrow the remaining 10% or 15% in a separate second mortgage. This option let’s buyers avoid Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), possibly reducing their monthly mortgage payment.

adjustable rate mortgages

One-Year Adjustable Rate (ARM) Mortgages

The initial rate on this mortgage is fixed for a one-year period. The rate is adjusted annually thereafter on the loan’s anniversary date.

Meet the Mortgage Team

Kim M. Campbell-Cino

Senior Mortgage Loan Originator

Office: (585) 453-7098
Cell Phone: (585) 615-1398
Fax: (585) 453-7216



Erie Blvd
Cortland / SUNY
Taft Road
Seneca Falls

Ebru Ekener-Le

Mortgage Loan Originator

Office: (585) 453-7037
Cell Phone: (585) 210-2375
Fax: (585) 453-7216



Refinance with Cash-Out

A “Cash-Out Refinance” occurs when the amount of the new mortgage exceeds the amount needed to repay the first mortgage and associated costs. The borrower can choose to use the additional cash for a different purpose.

Streamline Refinance

If you have an existing Summit first mortgage, you may be eligible to streamline refinance to a new, lower rate mortgage with reduced closing costs. Certain restrictions apply so please contact us for more information.

Destination Summit:

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Need More Information?

For more information about mortgage products, including refinancing, contact us at (585) 453-7010, or submit the form below. We are happy to assist you.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. All mortgage programs at The Summit Federal Credit Union require credit and property approval. You must be a member of The Summit to apply. All terms and conditions may change at any time without prior notice. Mortgage loans are only available for owner-occupied 1-4 family properties located in New York State. The Summit Federal Credit Union, NMLS#: 454066.

1. Buyer must keep mortgage for three years from the anniversary date of the mortgage recording to avoid repayment of the closing costs. If buyer pays off the loan prior to the third anniversary date of the mortgage recording, buyer must reimburse The Summit the costs of the fees it paid on the buyer’s behalf.

2. Closing costs may include, but are not limited to, a title search, abstract redate, mortgage tax, filing fees, flood certification fee, Credit Union attorney fee, and title insurance and are estimated to range from 3.0% to 5.0% of the amount borrowed.

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